
October 31, 2017 at 3:35 am (Uncategorized)

Image result for whatcha mean, what's a zine/ image Todd, M., & Watson, E. P. (2006). Whatcha mean, what’s a zine?: The art of making zines and minicomics. Boston, Mass: Graphia.
This leisurely paced off beat informational guide is an informative and fun read. Zines, chap books, or pamphlets serve as hand books for young readers who want to try something different. It’s an alternate form of social media, introspective and quirky  by design, zines are a great way to share ideas with others who share a common interest. The writing style is descriptive, browsable, and easy to understand. The illustrations are cartoon like they vary in style. Some follow the standard frame by frame formatting. While others are more anecdotal and abstract. The book provides several how to sections on silk screening covers, writing, collating with a copier, and copy talk. DIY programs are one of the tools librarians use to build relationships with their patrons or students within their communities.


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Young female readers who want to create zines of a more political nature Girl Zines is a good read for you to explore. The subject matter covers many topics of interest in a bold illustrative way.






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